Coronavirus – Community Support

Community Support for self isolation


November 16th, 2023|Cancer, Children, Young people and Families, Diabetes, Disability, Fibromyalgia, ME and CFS, Health Information, Hearing & Sight, Heart & Lungs, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Men's Health, Mental Health, Musculoskeletal Health, Neurological Conditions, Off Island Treatment and Care, Older People, Pain Management, Sexual Health, Smoking, Women's Health|

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Have a question about Coronavirus?

How can I get my food delivered?

Food delivery services are being offered locally to vulnerable islanders who are self-isolating due to the threat of coronavirus and have no means of buying essential food items.

Can my healthcare supplies be delivered to me?

Deliveries of healthcare supplies are being offered locally to vulnerable islanders who may be more vulnerable to the virus, such as people with weakened immune systems, older people, and those with long-term conditions.

What is the latest advice on travel?

The Director of Public Health is advising all Guernsey residents to consider avoiding all non-essential travel to and from the Bailiwick.