Willow House – Sexual Assault Referral Centre

If something of a sexual nature has happened to you, which you did not want, we’re here to help.
You can talk to one of our trained team, 24/7 on 01481 22 77 00.
We’re so pleased that you have found our support. We provide emotional, medical and practical support to victims of sexual assault, whether you decide to report to the police or not.
Our team understand the devastating impact rape and sexual assault can have on your life. You may be experiencing feelings that you have never felt before and the assault may leave you feeling vulnerable, frightened and alone. These are completely normal feelings but you may want to share these feelings with someone who understands.
Our services are available to everyone.
If you are under 18 years old, you can still access our services but we have a duty to keep you safe and will explain what information we have to share with other agencies.