A Healthier and Happier Bailiwick
Health Connections mission is to enable all people in the Bailiwick of Guernsey to be connected to support and information that enables them to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.
We value and encourage a partnership approach by recognising and promoting the value of community, public, private and third sector collaborations and co-production in building healthy, supportive and compassionate communities.
We map the assets in our community which support peoples health, care and wellbeing and add them to our online directory. This directory enables self and cross referral (by healthcare professionals) to all Health, Care and Wellbeing support and social prescribing opportunities.
We train Community Connectors who are active citizens signposting their family, friends, neighbours, colleagues and others in our community to this support.
Our Health Connectors work one to one with people helping them to decide what support matters to them and enabling them to connect with this support.
This approach enables people to actively participate in managing their own and others (if they are Carers), health and wellbeing and encourages independence, self care, prevention of ill health, early intervention, effective care when unwell, speedier and more sustainable recovery and personalised timely support in end of life care.
We believe in equitable access for all to support and opportunities for social connection and improved health and wellbeing. Our Voluntary Community Transport Service ensures that the most frail and isolated in our community, who have unmet transport needs, can stay active, connected, included and independent for longer from their own homes.
Finally, we develop projects e.g. Stay Connected or Talking Cafés which enable people to meet new people make new friends and stay or become connected to the support which promotes their sense of wellbeing, connectivity and belonging.
If you believe in making a difference, nurturing social innovation and helping to continue to create a healthier and happier more connected community, please get in touch to find out how more.
Bella Farrell, Director/ CEO, email bella@healthconnections.gg,
Core Values
We live by the ethos that health, wellbeing and respect for people comes first. We strive to provide the right connections for our service users and support our staff and volunteers in their well-being and development to provide the best people focussed service we can.
We believe in taking a collaborative approach, benefiting the whole community, making connections that add value and are useful. Our collaborative approach means that we can maximise the outcomes for the people we serve.
The Health Connections team approach to service delivery will be that of a dedicated desire to inform and support those in need. In so doing, the charity will demonstrate a genuine wish to assist individuals in a professional way. Good and effective governance will be a central and underpinning feature of the charity’s work.
We are passionate about what we do leading to creative and innovative solutions that are tailored to individual needs.
Our History
Health Information Guernsey was founded as a charity in 1999 to provide free, confidential and impartial information on health and disability matters for the Bailiwick of Guernsey resident.
In 2010, the charity received the prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.
The roots of Health Connections LBG are important to us and we honour our predecessors at Health Information Guernsey and The Health Information Exchange for their dedication and support to the community over the years.
Like all dynamic organizations we are continuing to develop those parts of our service around the provision of Health Information which remain relevant, whilst, seeking to evolve to a broader offer, aligned with recent Health and Social Care Policy, in service of the whole Community.
Our Future
Improved Health, Care and Wellbeing for all
By supporting Health, Care and Wellbeing professionals and community groups to work collaboratively; enabling easier self referral, cross referral and improved access for social connection and health and wellbeing opportunities.
People Centred Support
By enabling people to easily navigate support and care of their own choice and to improve access to this support for vulnerable people.
Partnership Approach
With people at our core, we will support a culture of community based, intergeneration and interdisciplinary trust, participation and care for all.
We will work with all people in the Bailiwick community wanting to be connected to support which will enable them to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives.
We will work systemically across Public Service providers Health & Social Care, Employment Social Security, Environment and Infrastructure, Education. and those aligned to health and wellbeing.
We will promote and support the work of our Directory Partners, Primary (GP’s) & Secondary Care (HSC & MSG) and The Health Improvement Commission.
We will continually collaborate with the Arts and the many more community assets in service of a happier and healthier Bailiwick.
By supporting the vision for the Bailiwick to become a global exemplar for Health and Wellbeing and implementing the Social Model of Care alongside building social and environmental capital.
Remaining Accountable
By demonstrating what we do and how we make an impact and continually adapting and improving our offer in response to the needs of our partners and the people we serve.