Health Connections LBG aims to have a positive influence in the Bailiwick of Guernsey by enabling all people to be connected to information and support that enables them to live healthier, happier and more fulfilled lives.
Their “Directory to Doorstep” model supports people to actively participate in managing their own health and wellbeing in ways that matter to them and encourages a shift towards social prescribing.
Social prescribing empowers people to take control of their health and wellbeing through referral to non-medical ‘link workers’ who give time, focus on ‘what matters to me’. Health Connections LBG has chosen the name ‘Health Connectors’ for their link workers.
Social prescribing can help to strengthen community and personal resilience and reduces health inequalities by addressing the wider determinants of health, such as debt, poor housing and physical inactivity and by increasing people’s active involvement with their local communities.
It particularly works for people with long-term conditions (including support for mental health), for people who are lonely or isolated, or have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.
Health Connectors take a holistic approach, connecting people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support. They support existing groups to be accessible and sustainable and help people to start new community groups, working collaboratively with all local partners.
Our Community Connectors give ‘light touch’ information to people. They signpost people to services, using our online directory . Active Signposting works best for people who are confident and skilled enough to find their own way to services after a brief intervention. It complements social prescribing when viewed in terms of ‘as well as social prescribing’ not ‘instead of social prescribing’.
Health Connections is developing and delivering of a range of services to compliment HSC’s and other 3rd sector partners priorities. This includes improving signposting, providing one to one support at points of transition for people, supporting the development and implementation of social prescribing and delivering a centralised Voluntary Transport Service which is enabling access to opportunities for social connection, health and wellbeing for our most vulnerable islanders.
To find out more or offer your support please email CEO Bella Farrell or call 227470.