Guernsey Voluntary Service

One of the founding aims of Guernsey WRVS is to ensure the well being of the elderly.
Meals on wheels
Approximately 25,000 meals are delivered by the Guernsey Voluntary Service every year. The service is available 6 days a week -Monday to Saturday. To receive Meals on Wheels one must be referred to the GVS by a doctor or other medical professional, and the facility is available to all the housebound who need it, not just the elderly. Clients pay a small charge for the Meals on Wheels service which is subsidised by the GVS.
Social Clubs
Volunteers provide a warm welcome as well as food and refreshments, including a 3 course lunch. The two social clubs provide a meeting place for people to enjoy company and activities. For age 65+. There is a small charge for the day which covers meals and facilities:
The Jubilee Social club at Jubilee House, Grandes Maisons Road, St. Sampson is open from 9 a.m. to 3.00p.m. Mondays to Fridays, located in a purpose built building.
Telephone 01481 246045
The Russel Social Clubat Le Grand Courtil, St Martins. It is open from Tuesday to Friday from 9.30 to 3.00pm.
Telephone;01481 238055