Women’s Institute Guernsey

The Womens Institute (The WI) is an organisation with charitable status for women of all ages, whose main objective is to further the education and welfare of women.
It offers the opportunity for all women to enjoy fun and friendship, to learn, to share and develop knowledge and skills, to get involved with local community matters and together, to influence local, national and international issues of the day, as part of a well respected organisation.
The Guernsey Islands Federation of Womens Institutes (GIFWI) is a member of the National Federation of Womens Institutes (NFWI) www.thewi.org.uk, which is the largest voluntary Organisation for women in the UK, with more than 222,000 members and 6,340 WIs.
Guernsey currently has 11 WIs. If you would like to find out more about the WI, please do not hesitate to contact us.
The NFWI is also an affiliated member of “ACWW” – The Associated Country Women of the World – an organisation which connects and supports women and women’s projects in countries worldwide – www.acww.org.uk
Charitable No 154 (Association of Guernsey Charities)