Learn, Laugh and Live! – all whilst having fun
Retired people have a lifetime of experience and, collectively, a vast amount of knowledge. Knowledge of a particular subject can be put to use in helping people who may never have had the opportunity to learn it earlier in life.
This can be quickly seen as a two-way exchange: the person with the knowledge or interest is able to share their passion and the members of the group are able to extend their knowledge. What is also of fundamental importance is that all of the participants are keeping their brains active and socialising at the same time.
U3A membership is not related to a specific age but to a period in one’s life (the third age) after the second age of full-time employment and parental responsibility.
Anybody in their third age can join U3A and this includes people who are working part-time. There is no lower age for membership and certainly no upper limit.
Guernsey U3A launched in November, 2015 and by April, 2016 had over 450 registered members, participating in over 40 groups. In December 2017 we have 720 members and 58 Groups but room for many more.
We are an exciting organisation keen to encourage our members and always keen to see new groups start up.
Please go the Interest Groups page to see what is going on. We also have an active social programme with a monthly coffee morning as well as other events. Details of these can be found on the Events Page.