The Sarnia Programme
The Sarnia Programme is designed to work with individuals who have behaved abusively toward a current or previous partner. The programme looks to support individuals to acknowledge, address and change their behaviour by focusing on their strengths, building on their skills, and providing tools to use so that they are better placed to make positive choices.
Sarnia is a modular based programme, consisting of both individualised work and group sessions. Following completion of an initial assessment module, an individualised programme pathway will be created, identifying which modules that service user would most benefit from completing. Some modules are undertaken as a standard part of the programme, and focus on issues such as motivation and relationship skills. Other modules will look to work on individual issues, such as anger, trauma, or children and parenting.
Applications to the Sarnia programme need to be made by a professional that is working with you or your family. This may be a Social Worker, Probation Officer, or Family Proceedings Adviser. They will complete an application form with you, and send this into the Programme Coordinator.