Guernsey Employment Trust (GET)

Guernsey Employment Trust – GET – is a free employment service to people who may struggle to prepare for, find and maintain paid employment.

We are a specialised recruitment service and can offer you support if you have a mental health concern such as anxiety; a learning disability; a learning difficulty such as dyslexia; are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder; a physical disability; a sensory impairment; a health issue or; any other difficulty that could impact you in finding and maintaining a job.

We can help you to develop your employability skills, improve your confidence, support you with your CV and help you to practice for interviews.

We can facilitate arrangements for work experience and support you at work to help you learn and develop into your new role.

If you would like to access GET we welcome self-referrals or you can ask a professional to refer you. Please contact GET for an application form or arrange a meeting to discuss how we can help.

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Cost: Free - to both clients and employers

Age: Adults

Location: St Sampsons - map and details of bus routes can be found on our website

Address: Fort Complex, Les Tracheries Road, St Sampson, Guernsey GY2 4SN

Phone: 01481 247 999

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