St Peters Church

Our ancient parish church is a sacred space in the heart of the community celebrating hospitality, hope and humour.
The Chancel dates from 1375 and the rest of the church is 14th and 15th Century. An unusual feature is the central sloping aisle which slopes 1.5 metres from east to west. Services are held at 8am and 10am with a 4pm service each Sunday except Evensong on the third Sunday of each month at 18:00. There is a Eucharist service every Wednesday at 11.30am cafe every Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. Please see more details below on the 6 regular church services:
We meet every Sunday in the choir stalls. There is no sermon at this service but we do observe a short period of silence between the Apostle’s Creed and Intercessions. This service lasts 30 minutes. No collection is taken but there is an offertory plate in which gifts can be placed. Whist this is a traditional service with Elizabethan language all are welcome and many find it a very comforting and safe place.
We meet every Sunday except for the 3rd Sunday of the month. At this service we sing traditional hymns and share the Eucharist together. There is a sermon preached of around 10 minutes based upon the set lectionary and formal intercessions are offered. The music at this service is led by our organ and on the 4th Sunday of the month is accompanied by a robed choir.
During this service there is opportunity for the children to attend Godly Play in the Prayer Room. After the service all are encouraged to stay behind afterwards for tea, coffee and biscuits. There is a collection taken during this service.
The Family Service is an informal service which is led musically by the St. Peter’s Church Band which consists of musicians of all abilities and ages. The topic of each service tends to be themed based and all are welcome! There is a collection taken during this service. This is to service to which those who are planning to have their children baptised are invited to attend.
4 P.M. @ ST. PETER’S
This service meets every Sunday except of the 3rd Sunday of the month. At this service we sing contemporary worship songs led by a small worship band and the emphasis is on sing songs to Jesus rather than about Jesus.
During this service there is a Children’s Club called GO! running at the same time for children from Year 1 to Year 6 and Pierrot’s Place for Under 5s and their parents based at The Rectory.
At 5 p.m. we all gather together for a High Tea which provides an opportunity to get to know each other better. Special diets are catered for and there is a dedicated children’s refreshment zone.
No collection is taken during this service but there is a large glass jar in which freewill offerings can be placed.
On the 3rd Sunday of each month we have a Sung Evensong with robed choir. We seek to ensure this a traditional service and all readings are from the King’s James Bible and there is a sermon. No collection is made during this service but there is an offertory plate in which gifts can be placed. Additional choir members are always welcome and the choir practice for this service is at 5 p.m. immediately prior to the service. If you would like to know more about the history of Evensong please click here.
Every week we celebrate the Eucharist together in the Lady Chapel and a sermon is preached based on either a reading from the Hebrew Bible, Gospels or New Testament.
On the 1st Wednesday of each month there is a community lunch served at 12 noon to which all are invited. This normally finishes by 1:30 p.m. All are welcome!