Sophie Tyrrell – Physiotherapist and Pelvic Health Specialist

Sophie is a Physiotherapist specialised in Pelvic Health working in a Primary care G.P practice.

Providing treatment for pelvic dysfunction including but not limited to incontinence of the bowel and bladder, increased frequency and urgency, pelvic organ prolapse, pelvic pain, painful intercourse , constipation, difficulty evacuating your bowels.Coccydynia, Diastasis Recti (abdominal muscle separating), post natal return to exercise,  antenatal pelvic health issues and Pilates.

Treatments include but not limited to specific patient exercise programmes including pelvic floor exercises, biofeedback, neuromuscular stimulation, joint mobilisations, specific soft tissue mobilisations and massage, use of dilators and general advice on how to manage and improve pelvic symptoms and bladder training techniques.

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Cost: £73-62 covered by all major health insurances but please check individual polices

Age: Adult Men and Women

Location: Consultations at Queens Road Medical Practice, St Peter Port and Longfrie Surgery, St Peters.

Address: Queens Road Medical Practice | Queens Road | St Peter Port | Guernsey | GY1 1RH

Phone: 01481 724184 Queen's Road

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