Shine Cancer Support

Shine exists exclusively to offer peer support to adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s who have experienced a cancer diagnosis. Shine do this through a range of activities including lunches and drinks evenings, beach walks, multi-day getaways, workshops, online networking and mentoring.

We also offer a Shine Cancer Support Plus Ones which is an online network for partners, friends and family members of young adults living with cancer. Our website has information and resources on a range of subjects including fertility, anxiety and depression, dating, travel insurance and work. We run a national conference in London annually, a weekend camping trip and various one-day workshops. Travel bursaries may be available.

There is never a good time to have cancer, but Shine knows that younger adults face different issues than their older or younger counterparts – and that many of these are not dealt with by traditional cancer support charities and services. Please visit the website for a full list of activities and support services available.

Monthly meet ups for drinks, coffee and days/evenings out in Guernsey. Can also connect to a UK-wide community online by joining Shine Cancer Support Facebook group with over 2000 people living with a diagnosis of Cancer.

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Cost: Free

Age: Adults in their 20s, 30s, and 40s

Location: We arrange monthly social meet ups in various locations around Guernsey.

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