We have a small committee of volunteers who are working hard to help shape the future of Plastic Free Guernsey with events, campaigns and practical tips for you all.
What can you do to help??
• Eliminate some single-use plastic from your daily life – see 9 tips below.
• Share our page with your friends and colleagues.
• Encourage retailers, suppliers, coffee shops etc to switch to healthier biodegradable alternatives and boycott those who don’t.
• Do a Mini Beach Clean or participate in organised beach cleans or see La Société Guernesiaise Facebook page for details of their planned beach cleans.
Whether you are planning to ditch your takeaway coffee cup for a reusable one or are already living with bamboo toothbrushes and making your own cleaning products we want to hear from you! Please share your experiences with us. Get in touch if you have any questions or feel free to post on our Facebook page.