Phoenix Rising Natural Health

Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine has roots dating back over 4,000 years. Its origins lay in ancient Chinese culture, and over the centuries, it spread widely throughout southeast Asia and Japan.
There are Five Pillars of Oriental Medicine. These are Energetic Medicine (Qigong, Taijiquan), Bodywork (Shiatsu, Tui Na), Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, and Acupuncture. We offer all five of these treatment modalities.
Our Services
Acupuncture is the core of my practice. I offer both Chinese and Japanese styles of acupuncture. Additional therapies including Moxibustion, TDP Lamp Therapy, and Electrical Stimulation are used in conjunction with the needling techniques. If needles aren’t for you, I also offer Japanese Shonishin, and Ion Pumping techniques that are highly effective, and needle-free.
I offer both Japanese Zen Shiatsu, and Chinese Tui Na bodywork treatments. Zen Shiatsu is effectively a form of Acupressure technique, and is performed with the client fully clothed. It is based around the same medical treatment theories as Acupuncture, but, of course, is needle-free.
Tui Na is more like what one would think of as traditional massage, and is performed using oil (usually Coconut Oil), and with the client disrobed, but draped to maintain privacy.
In addition, I also offer a variety of Cupping Treatments and Gua Sha Therapy – including those designed to help with lymphatic drainage.
Herbs are generally used in conjunction with other therapies to promote health. Using traditional remedies, some dating back nearly 2,000 years, and backed by recent clinical advances in plant-based medicine, we can work together to develop a plan that will yield results for you
That food is medicine is a central tenet of all traditional medical systems. Together, we can work out a nutritional strategy that can address your health problems.
Qigong (and Taijiquan – aka Tai Chi) are traditional Chinese exercise techniques that are designed to gently move the whole body and improve the flow of energy to every part of it. I offer private instruction in one-to-one sessions, and, periodically, group sessions at local community centres.
Our Fees
To view our session and treatment fees, please follow this link. It is our mission to provide high quality, low cost healthcare services to the local community. To that end, we offer a sliding scale fee structure to enable those who would not normally be able to afford our regular fees – this is especially valuable to those that have health conditions that require long-term treatment.