Since the last lockdown local charity Health Connections has been busy connecting people in the Bailiwick to local support that matters to them.

Their online directory of support has now listed over 450 community organisations offering support and activities to enable people in the Bailiwick to live happier, healthier and more fulfilling lives now in this pandemic and beyond.

Before lockdown, their Community Connectors were busy in their Local Talking Cafe project and their Voluntary Community Transport service was delivering up to 800 journeys per month, taking isolated people in our community to this Support.

Whilst the Talking Cafes and Shop are closed their other services continue.

Their directory now has an up to date and trusted category for community support during Coronavirus. They have also partnered with to ensure a safe transport service continues, taking people to essential appointments.

Their CEO, Bella Farrell said “We realise that the non digital population particularly the elderly and isolated cannot all access devices to use our directory of Community Support. To address this we have taken on the Stay Connected project from the “We all matters eh’ organisers to ensure that the elderly, isolated and vulnerable have access to tablets and iPads, Wifi devices and support and skills to use them”.

The Stay Connected initiative will now offer older and vulnerable (shielding) islanders access to a tablet or iPad and WiFi devices to connect to family, friends and groups during the pandemic. However Bella says, this project will continue beyond lockdown as this need is ongoing and it will address a barrier to a stronger more connected community.

“Whether it be regular video calls, check-in messages, booking appointments or the Health Connections Community transport service to take them to these appointments or simply keeping minds sharp with entertainment, news, brain training and mindfulness, no-one in our community should feel isolated due to lack of technology or access to vital online resources such as The Health Connections Directory“.

Health Connections has also relaunched its Help Your Neighbour flyers and these can be downloaded form their website. It is hoped that this initiative will ensure no one feels isolated from support at this time.

Whilst their vital fund raising shop remains closed their shop team are busy with the Community Mask making and the Invisible Occupation-the Islands Lockdown journal projects.

To join the Health Connections FREE directory of community support or Volunteer to assist one of our projects or services Phone 227470. Or email:

Anyone wanting to support Health Connections work at this time due to the closure of their fundraising shop are invited to make a financial donation via their website or write a Cheque made payable to Health Connections LBG and post  to Health Connections, c/o Ron. Short centre, Beau Sejour, Amhurst, St PP,GY12DH.