Gynaecological Cancers
Bright Tights provide practical, financial and emotional support to people in the Bailiwick diagnosed with gynaecological cancer.
This ranges from providing help with cleaning, gardening, decorating, vouchers for food, paying for items from St Johns, paying for dentures and eyebrow tattooing. We aim to make life easier for patients after they receive a cancer diagnosis.
We provide regular support group meetings for people diagnosed with a gynaecological
We organise at least one social event per month and a weekly exercise classes to help improve balance and strength. The group follows the declaration of Good Practice for Self Help and Support Groups provided by Macmillan Cancer Relief.
We also work to raise awareness, in Guernsey, of the symptoms of gynaecological cancers.
And we support better detection and improved treatment of gynaecological cancers by
fundraising and donating monies to relevant research organisation.
To contact us:
Call: 07781 434550