Guernsey Conservation Volunteers

We are a group of people with a keen interest in helping preserve Guernsey’s environment.

Our age range is 16 – 60+, but most people in the group are aged 40 – 50. An average event has 10 people. Most of our work is for the National Trust of Guernsey, La Societe Guernesiaise and the States of Guernsey.

Our aims are simple:

  • To increase public awareness of Guernsey’s diminishing natural environment
  • To provide a resource for the implementation of projects which create, enhance or protect sites of nature conservation importance
  • To promote practical conservation through volunteers for the benefit of the community
  • To educate volunteers in the principles and practice of conservation
  • To have fun outdoors whilst learning new skills and meeting people

it’s not all hard work!

We take our role in preserving the island’s conservation heritage seriously, however it’s not all hard work. One of our aims is to have fun outdoors whilst learning new skills and meeting people, and this is certainly the case. Not only are our events fun, but also we have many social events during the year.

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Cost: Annual sub of £5 per annum

Age: Age 16+

Phone: Angela Salmon - 721163

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