Guernsey Cancer Support

Being told you have cancer, or that your cancer has returned, can leave you feeling shocked, upset and very isolated. There are so many questions to be answered and so many feelings to deal with.
Your treatment team will provide professional care and medical advice.
Guernsey Cancer Support provides an opportunity to spend time with people who share or understand your experience. It’s an opportunity for you to talk about your deepest concerns, and know they will be met with acceptance and understanding.
We also operate a confidential helpline which people can use for one to one support, or to find out about local charities and organisations which can offer specific help. A member of the committee is available for home or hospital visiting.
The group offers support to people from any of the Islands in the Bailiwick and to anyone affected by cancer whether as a patient, carer or family member.
The members of the group have all experienced having cancer themselves or are the family/friends who have cared for someone with cancer.
Meetings are held:
Every first Thursday of the month at Les Cotils at 10.30am
Every third Thursday of the month at Les Cotils at 7.30pm
Newcomers are invited to attend 30 minutes earlier.