Community Library at St John’s

The St John Community Library, located at the Rohais Ambulance Station, has a philosophy of providing reading material and friendship to those who are infirm and unable to attend a library on their own or resident in hospital or residential homes.
The service provides an opportunity for isolated or lonely people to chat with trained volunteers with highly developed listening skills. The aim of the library scheme is to offer friendship to help reduce loneliness and feelings of isolation through regular visits to deliver books from a volunteer who encourages residents to talk and interact.
It provides easy access to large print books for the elderly or infirm as well as an opportunity for them to meet with volunteers and other library users. Whilst the books are important, feedback from residents is that they really value the opportunity to socialise with volunteers – for many, these are the only visitors they may receive.
The library is open Tuesday afternoons and everyone is welcome. We have parking allocated outside for visitors.