CB – Massage Therapy

Hi, My Name is Chris Bourke and I’m a qualified massage therapist, primarily providing sport and deep tissue massage. I can treat a vast range of muscular ailments whether caused by sporting injuries, accidents, bad posture or general fatigue.
Regular Massage Therapy has a whole host of benefits including:
Increases blood circulation
Reduces Cortisol levels (Stress)
Eases muscle tension
Relieves aches and pains
Removes muscle spasms and knots
Improves Lymph circulation and drainage (stimulates the immune system reducing the chance of illness)
I can also provide a Sports massage to prepare you for an upcoming sporting event or to cool you down after a period of intense activity/exercise. If you have an injury from sports or surgery, sports massage can help you recover to the best possible health you can achieve.
My service includes a 1-hour session tailored to your specific needs and takes place at my clinic (Physio Fit) on Hougue du Pommier or I can visit you in the convenience of your own home at a time suitable for you (including evenings and weekends). On mobile appointments, I bring all of the equipment I need to you for a fully professional service.
Please see my website for more information – https://www.cbmassagetherapy.info/