Bordeaux Methodist Church
Sunday Worship – One Service only each Sunday
Morning service each Sunday at 10.30 am followed by refreshments, except the first Sunday in each month.
Evening service at 6.00 pm on the first Sunday each month
Church Activities
Monday Club – at 2pm on alternate weeks starting in March and ending after the first meeting in December. A social afternoon for senior citizens, meeting in the vestry.
Women’s Fellowship meet in the Church fortnightly on Tuesdays at 7.30 pm
Bible Fellowship meet in the New Room in the Church on alternate Wednesdays to Womens Fellowship from October to May, also at 7.30 pm.
Prayer Fellowship meet in the Church every Thursday from 4.30 to 5.00 pm.
Lent Group meetings are held each year. Contact us for more details!
For further information on any of the activities, please contact Janet tel 245590