Bathing Service – Russels Day Centre

The bathing service at the Russels Day Centre, Les Grands Courtil, St Martins, is available primarily for older Guernsey Residents, who attend the Russels Day Centre or for people who do not have the facilities to enjoy a bath or shower safely at home.

There is a shower and assisted bath in a beautiful room on the ground floor of the Grand Courtil.

For more information and to check for availability please contact Denise Cohu, Day Centre Co-ordinator between 9am and 1pm Tuesday to Friday.

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Cost: Free

Age: Adults

Location: St Martins

Address: Russels Day Centre, Le Grand Courtil, La Route des Cornus, St Martin, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY4 6PJ

Phone: Denise Cohu, Day Centre Co-ordinator on 238055

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