Delisles Church


We warmly welcome visitors and you can be assured of a friendly fellowship here.

Sunday worship at 10.30 am. A group of 5 people lead the music (2 organs, piano and 2 recorders). Organists regard the pipe organ at Delisles as being one of the best in the Island.

From time to time traditional morning worship has been replaced by a more informal style held in the church hall on the opposite side of the road.

Junior Church is at 10.30 am. Children are sometimes present for the first part of the service in Church. They have recently begun exploring new ways of worship and have introduced “Messy Church”.

Other activities (mostly during the winter months):

Men’s Supper club at Les Cotils – Last Tuesday of the month

Womens Fellowship

Luncheon at Les Cotils – organised twice a year by the church

Regular ladies evenings – a meal out or a speaker, held throughout the year

Various social events during the winter months

Other activities held at Delisles but not directly linked with the church includes a Pre-School, Gardening Club, WI, Brownies and Guides also the Welsh Male Voice Choir.

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Location: Rue des Delisles, Castel (Perry's Guide 15E3)

Address: Minister - Rev Mark and Deacon Sian Street

Phone: 01481 234105

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