The Maternity Service Alderney
Midwives aim to visit the Island Medical Centre every fortnight to provide care to pregnant women and newly delivered mothers and their babies. This service can sometimes be disrupted by weather or technical flight issues.
In addition to the routine fortnightly visits, the midwives also arrange further visits if required once a mother and baby returns to Alderney.
You can contact Loveridge Ward on tel 01481 224377 at any time of day or night. A midwife is available for advice and support 24/7.
You can also contact the Island Medical Centre on 01481 225241.
Where will I have my baby?
Due to the lack of qualified staff and emergency facilities for women in labour in Alderney we do not support births in Alderney. All women are invited to have their baby here with us in Guernsey. You can find more information about accommodation during your time in Guernsey here. [622kb]
Your partner will be able to stay with you whilst you are in labour and, subject to room availability, will be welcome to stay on with you after you have delivered your baby.
You can find more information about the Maternity ward at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital in Guernsey here.