Wigwam Support Group
Wigwam Support Group for families with a child or young person with a disability.
Wigwam is a local charity founded in 1999 by parents to offer friendship and support to other parents, families and friends who have, or are involved with, a child with additional needs.
Twenty years on the charity now employs a part time family support coordinator in order to continue providing an invaluable support service.
“we recognise that every child is unique, and the needs of families are too”
Our family support co-ordinator provides individual support and advice to families in both emotional and practical ways and can amongst other things:
- Listen to families
- Put families in contact with other families providing opportunity to form peer support amongst others who understand
- Attend meetings with parent/carers around the education or care of the child
- Liaise with professionals on behalf of the parent/carer
- Signpost families to other services and organisations where services may benefit the family
- Liaise with other charities and organisations where services may benefit the family
- Be a collective voice on matters that affect families
We are passionate about ensuring children with additional needs receive the best possible opportunities in order for them to reach their full potential.
We listen to parents and continue to work in partnership with service providers, other charities and organisations to enhance services, promote inclusion in society and improve the lives of families.
“Here to listen, act and support”
Because We Care
For more information please call 07839121678