The Maternity Service Guernsey

The Maternity Service, run by the Health and Social Care department in the States of Guernsey, aims to provide excellent care in a friendly and nurturing environment to give mothers, babies and their families’ personalised care from the early antenatal period, during pregnancy and labour and during the first early days of parenting.
You can talk to the Maternity Team about the various options available to you to help you choose the right personalised care package for your pregnancy, together with a delivery plan that suits you and your family.
The Maternity Team
Midwives, Obstetricians, Maternity Support Workers [MSW], Sonographers, Paediatricians and Anaesthetists make up the Maternity Team. All skilled professionals are either based in the hospital or community to provide you and your families with the personalised care that you need throughout your experience.
Labour Wards & Suites
Lavender Suite
The Lavender Suite is situated on Loveridge ward and can be used as long as you remain low risk during your pregnancy and go into natural labour between 37 and 42 weeks. The suite consists of a spacious relaxing area with a bean bag, bradbury cushion and birthing pool all of which encourage mobilisation and normality in labour. The use of the Lavender Suite can be discussed with your Midwife at 36 weeks if this is your preferred option.
Delivery Suite/ Labour Ward
Our Labour Suite is typically for those women with complications who may require Obstetric and Midwifery care during labour and birth. Occasionally, if the Lavender Suite is in use, the Labour Suite can also be used for those women whose care is Midwifery led. The Labour Suite is an appropriate choice for Obstetric led and Midwifery led care. Maternity care in the labour suite is provided by a team of healthcare professionals, including Midwives, Obstetricians, Anaesthetists, Paediatricians and Support Workers. All members of the team will ensure the focus is on respecting your individual preferences
Delivery Suite facilities:
Three birthing rooms: Ocean, Woodland and Blossom. Ocean is our secondary water birth room which can be used if the Lavender Suite is unavailable.
The Cove: is a big bath which can be used by women in early labour
Listed below are a number of reasons it may be more appropriate for you to give birth in our labour suite:
- Have medical or obstetric complications in your present pregnancy
- Have had complications in a previous pregnancy or birth
- Go into labour before 37 weeks
- Require Induction of Labour (IOL)
- Need a Caesarean Section for medical or obstetric reasons
- Choose to have your baby on the Labour Ward
- Would like an epidural
Visiting Hours – Loveridge Ward
The entrance to the ward is monitored by CCTV and is securely locked at all times. Parents/birthing partners are welcome to visit any time during the day, however, the only children allowed to visit are siblings of the baby, and our rationale for this is to reduce the risk of infection.
Visiting times to the Unit are:
15:30 to 16:30
18:30 to 19:30
We do not have facilities for friends to stay on the unit however, we are now very fortunate to be able to offer overnight accommodation for birthing partners if requested.
If you have any questions you can contact the ward on 01481 224377.
Great Expectations Class
You will be given a booking form at your initial appointment with your Midwife for a free 4 week parenting class called Great Expectations. This course is designed to provide you with all the information and skills you need to feel confident about making the right choices for your new baby. Delivered by Health Visitors, Midwives and Family Support Workers, the topics include:
- Having a healthy baby
- Preparation for parenthood, birth and beyond
- Communicating with your bump and baby
- Changes in relationships
- Getting your baby off to the best possible start
- How babies grow and develop
- It is also an ideal opportunity to ask questions you might have about becoming a parent
For a list of Frequently Asked Questions on the Maternity Services in Guernsey, please visit this link –