St Sampsons Medical Centre

St Sampsons Medical Centre is conveniently located in the North of the Island with easy parking and an on-site pharmacy.
GP appointments are available daily 8am – 6pm as well as Physiotherapy, Osteopath, Podiatry and Nurse appointments. Saturday morning clinics are based at St Sampsons Medical Centre. Also available at St Sampsons is the Audiology service run by Advanced Hearing Services.
In addition to working as general practitioners, we continue to have responsibilities within the hospital and try to maintain contact with our patients in the ward and casualty whenever this is possible. We aim to provide the highest standards of care by both doctors and staff. The doctors are trained and experienced in family medicine and enjoy seeing the range of problems that family medical practice provides. In addition, each has a special interest, as can be found on the doctors page.

We subscribe to the World Health Organisation’s definition of health; that is, “not merely an absence if disease, but a sense of physical, psychological and social well-being”. We believe in preventative medicine and the use of complementary medicines where appropriate.
Our practice nurses and other health professionals assist with preventative medicine and clinics involving a wide range of specialist nurse skills. There are established links to allied medical services provided by community nurses, health visitors, psychiatric social workers, dieticians and various self-help groups. As a practice, we keep up with the theoretical and practical advances in medicine and, to this end, the doctors, practice nurses and physiotherapists regularly attend courses, usually within the UK.
Since 1994, the practice has been fully computerised. This has improved our ability to recall patients for special services such as cervical screening. It has also made prescribing easier (and more legible!) and with experience we believe it will contribute further to the smooth running of the practice.
How to find the GP Surgery –