National Helplines – Abuse
Below are some national helplines which may be of use if you’re looking for information, support and advice about abuse. The list should be seen as a starting point and is not exhaustive.
Womens Aid. Freephone 24 hour national domestic violence helpline – 0808 2000 247
Rape Crisis. Freephone Rape Crisis Helpline – 0808 802 9999
Mens Advice Line. Freephone Men’s Advice Line for men experiencing domestic violence – 0808 801 0327
Galop. LGBT+ anti-violence charity, Domestic Violence Helpline – 0800 999 5428
Respect Phone Line. Freephone Respect Phoneline for domestic violence perpetrators – 0808 802 4040
Karma Nirvana. A UK registered Charity that supports victims and survivors of Forced Marriage and Honour Based Abuse – 0800 5999247
The National Stalking Helpline. Run by Suzy Lamplugh Trust, information and guidance on reporting stalking or harassment, effective gathering of evidence and personal safety – 0808 802 0300
Childline (free helpline) – information and advice for young people – 0800 1111
Ok Rehab. Specialists in drug and alcohol addiction treatment that promotes lifestyle changes. 0800 326 5559