
Ignite is an initiative run by St John’s Church which reaches out to people in the local community and in particular those who may feel marginalised, lost or lonely.
So what does Ignite look like?
Ignite predominately presents the Christian message through friendship and meeting people where they are. It is about unconditional acceptance and love – that as Christ loved us so we love others. As a worshipping community it is something quite different from how we may traditionally see church. An Ignite evening would typically involve food, lots of laughter, a range of short interactive activities such as quizzes, games, discussions and film clips around a biblical theme.
All are welcome to join us for coffee, food, games and conversation.
To enable us to build this new worshipping community, Bev Hervé and Paul Chambers have been appointed as ‘Ignite Enablers’. Our roles involve establishing a presence in the community, getting to know people, building relationships of trust and offering hope and opportunities to follow Christ to people who may not normally come to church.