Guernsey Caring for Ex-Offenders

What is Guernsey Caring for ex-offenders?
GCFEO is an independent charity working across local churches of all denominations.
How does it work?
GCFEO assists an ex-offender’s resettlement into society by training a Caring for Ex-Offender team in order to mentor and support them. The Mentor
establishes a relationship with the individual whilst they are still in prison, visits them if possible, meets them at the gate on release, helps them attend initial appointments and obtain basic needs.
Integrating into a community after time spent in prison can be a daunting challenge, and every individual requires a number of necessary elements
to successfully live a transformed life.
GCFEO signposts ex-offenders to the resources that can help them achieve housing, employment, education, recover from addictions, family relationships, healthcare and debt and benefts advice.
Local churches also offer a variety of resources, and willing congregation members are often available to assist the mentors in directing ex-offenders
through other areas, including writing CVs, flling in forms, going to interviews and other practical matters.
How does can I get support?
If you are in prison and would like one-to-one mentoring or extra support upon release, then please speak to a Prison Offcer, the Offender Management Unit or
the prison Chaplaincy. They will arrange for the GCFEO Co-ordinator to help you complete a referral form.
If you are an ex-offender and are no longer in prison but would still like support, then please contact the GCFEO Co-ordinator. The Co-ordinator will then arrange to meet with you over a coffee to explore how we can best help.
For further information download an information sheet here.