Guernsey Cancer Alliance

Guernsey Cancer Alliance is a confidential forum where representatives from Health and Social Care, local support groups and those with an interest in cancer services come together to discuss issues relating to cancer care.
The purpose of this group is to work collaboratively to share ideas and develop innovative and practical strategies that foster a genuine benefit to both individuals with cancer and the wider community.
Ground Rules:
Confidentiality of issues discussed within meetings.
Annual review of Terms of Reference including the distribution list.
Ensure accurate minutes are recorded at the meetings and disseminated to those on the agreed distribution list.
Ensure any actions required as a result of the meeting are assigned to an appropriate individual who will follow up the issue with relevant area/service.
Representatives of:
- Bright Tights (Gynaecological Cancer Support Group)
- Guernsey Cancer Support Group
- Guernsey Society for Cancer Relief
- Leukaemia and Lymphoma Support Group
- Myeloma Support Group
- Pink Ladies (Breast Cancer Support Group)
- Health Connections
Representatives of HSC:
- Lead Cancer Nurse
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner for Breast Care
- Palliative Care Social Worker
Chair of GCA – Mike Read
Email /
Phone no. 07911747747