Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others do the same.
To join a physical or online meeting, search here:
Meeting Types
• Main Meetings ‐ These meetings are where compulsive gamblers sit together and help each other through the difficulties of compulsive gambling. There are no counsellors or professionals, just compulsive gamblers.
• Mixed Meetings ‐ These meetings are the same as main meetings, but family members and friends are welcome.
• Newcomers Meetings ‐ These meetings are ideal if you are new to stopping gambling. They are the same as main meetings, but more focussed towards newcomers.
• Step Meetings ‐ These meetings are better-suited for those who have abstained from gambling for some time. They are focussed on the Twelve Steps of Recovery.
• Women-preferred Meetings ‐ Any compulsive gambler may attend these meetings, but they are more suitable for women.
• LGBTQ+ Meetings ‐ Any compulsive gambler may attend these meetings, but they are more suitable LGBTQ+ community.
• Open Meetings ‐ Most Groups hold at least one open meeting each year. These are where compulsive gamblers gather with their friends and families to receive recognition for abstaining from gambling for a number of years.
For family and friends of compulsive gamblers:
Gam-Anon UK & Ireland :- Gam-Anon