Community Services

Community Services is made up of a team of professionals who provide nursing and social support in the homes of adults in Guernsey. Their aim is to help people maintain the best possible quality of life and independence in their own home.
The aim of Community Services is to support people to live independent, healthy lives. Respect for service user’s choice is recognised at all times. Service users and their carers are encouraged to participate in planning, implementation and evaluation of care where appropriate.
The community teams provide care and support in the service user’s home, enabling people to live in their own homes for as long as possible, including end of life care if this is the person’s choice. The community teams work closely with other health and social care professionals and allied services, to work towards a seamless and integrated, cost effective and evidence-based service.
Referral Route
The teams have an open referral system. Health and social care professionals, potential service users, their relatives or carers and staff from other agencies can make direct contact, with the exception of the Rapid Response Team.
Referrals will be accepted for adults in Guernsey and Alderney provided they fit the criteria outlined here.
The website has links to:
- Social Care
- Health Visitor for Older People
- Community Nursing Team
- Rapid Response Team
- Respite Care
- Respite at Home
- Short Breaks Service (for carers)
- Social Work Team
- Support Services
- Community Continence / Urology Services
- Uro-Oncology Service
- Colorectal / Stoma Service