Community Connector Support

Community Connectors help friends, family, colleagues and neighbours to easily access the support that matters to them via the Health Connections online directory. They can also work in our network of Talking Cafes or with groups and organisations in the community to help people find support, activities and information that can benefit their health and well-being.

There are great opportunities in our community but sometimes people don’t know about them. The more people there are that know about the support that is available in the community, the more we can all support each other.

How a Community Connector can support you.

Community Connectors are very good at joining up local communities and provide a bridge between local people and health and well-being services. All Community Connectors are locally trained and are part of the Health Connections service.
A Community Connector can support you to:

  • Improve your sense of well being
  • Meet more people in your community
  • Feel less lonely
  • Feel part of your community
  • Find activities you enjoy
  • Find information and advice
  • Remain as independent as possible

Who are Community Connectors?

Anyone who is interested in finding out about what is available in their community and would like to pass this information on, can be a Community Connector. Community Connectors come from all walks of life e.g. hairdressers, taxi drivers, librarians, drug and alcohol workers, care workers, health visitors, adult social care workers, primary care staff, students, church members, peer support group members and members of the public.

You can become a Community Connector by attending a free training course. If you’d like to find out more about our Community Connector project or join the training please get in touch on or call 227470.

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Cost: Free

Age: All Ages

Phone: 01481 227470

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