The Guernsey Alcohol Advisory Service (G.A.A.S)
The Guernsey Alcohol Advisory Service is a voluntary service to help clients overcome situations caused by their use of alcohol. We offer one to one counselling sessions, which are free [...]
The Guernsey Alcohol Advisory Service is a voluntary service to help clients overcome situations caused by their use of alcohol. We offer one to one counselling sessions, which are free [...]
Guernsey Motor Neurone LBG charity offers care and support for people with Motor Neurone Disease, their carers and families living within the Bailiwick of Guernsey (Alderney Sark and Herm). The [...]
Free regular friendly and informal drop in and small group sessions where appointments are not necessary. Free one to one appointments. Advice on all stop smoking medication. Free Nicotine Replacement [...]
Health Trainers offer four hours free healthy lifestyle advice and support at one to one appointments with qualified staff. We can help you make big differences through small steps if [...]
Bright Tights provide practical, financial and emotional support to people in the Bailiwick diagnosed with gynaecological cancer. This ranges from providing help with cleaning, gardening, decorating, vouchers for food, paying for [...]
The main role of the Guernsey Society for Cancer Relief is to provide assistance to cancer sufferers and their families when the extra financial burdens are beyond the capabilities of [...]
Bulstrode Oncology Unit is a day unit that provides outpatient services to adults with a cancer diagnosis. Patients attend the unit to have consultations with their medical oncologists to discuss [...]
This voluntary organisation is primarily available to financially assist cancer patients and their families and carers who are domiciled in Alderney. Contributions towards travel costs and home comforts are disbursed [...]
Headway Guernsey supports islanders and their families who are living with a brain injury. We provide a wide range of services that bring people together in a supportive and positive [...]